Tads Education

Privacy Policy

Effective from 07th August 2020
Latest Update On 11th July 2022

This privacy policy governs your use of the website, www.tads.in and the other associated/ancillary applications, programmes, events, products, and services managed by the Company, TADS Education Private Limited. Please read this privacy policy ("Policy") carefully before using the Website or enrolling into any programmes or events, its services and products, along with the Terms of Use (“ToU“) provided on the Website. Your use of the Website, or registrations with us through any mode shall signify your acceptance of this Policy and your agreement to be legally bound by the same. Your use of the website and our services shall be bound by the terms and conditions enumerated and agreed upon hereunder with wilful and free consent. If you do agree with any of the terms and conditions of this Policy, kindly refrain from using the website until you are satisfied will all the terms.

User-Provided Information

The website records the information you provide when you sign up and register for our services. When you register with us, you generally provide (a) your name, age, email address, phone number, username, password, school name, city (b) transaction-related information, such as when you make purchases, respond to any offers, or download or use applications from us; (c) information you provide us when you contact us for help; (d) information you enter into its system when using the services, such as while participating in discussion forums (e) Entries that you want us to feature ,be it a piece of art or writing. The said information collected from the users could be categorized as “Personal Information“, “Sensitive Personal Information” and “Associated Information“. Personal Information, Sensitive Personal Information and Associated Information (each as individually defined under this Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or information) Rules, 2011 (the “Data Protection Rules“)) shall collectively be referred to as “Information” in this Policy. TADS policies are also in compliance with key General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). TADS may use this Information to contact you from time to time, to provide you with the Services, important information, required notices and marketing promotions. TADS will contact you for working on certain projects, if need be. TADS will not differentiate between who is using the device to access the website, so long as the log in/access credentials match with yours. However, while taking part in competitive events , you strictly need to use your own login credentials. You can withdraw your consent anytime. Withdrawal of the consent by you is required to be sent to us via an email . In any such event, TADS fully reserves the right to withdraw further usage of your Website or refuse to provide you with our services.

Use of your Personal Information

The information that you provide such as your email id would be used to send you content that we curate and design for you. We would also send you educational and enriching content that organisations who collaborate with us want you to know, in your email id. The data that you enter ,such as your school details might be used to contact your school to have them on board with TADS as a member school. Your identity remains anonymous when we contact your school. Your information can be disclosed to organisations with whom we collaborate , and with trusted service providers who work for us.


Cookies are used to track your preferences, help you log in faster, and be aggregated to determine user trends. This data is used to improve its offerings, such as providing more content in areas of greater interest to a majority of users. Some of our functions may not work properly if your cookies are disabled.


TADS may alert you by email or notifications to inform you about new service offerings or other information which it perceives might be useful for you.

Public Forums

When you use certain features on its website and you post or share your personal information such as comments, messages, files, photos, will be available to all users, and will be in the public domain. All such sharing of information is done at your own risk. Please keep in mind that if you disclose personal information in your profile or when posting on its forums this information may become publicly available.

Changes to this Statement

As the Company (TADS) evolves, its privacy policy will need to evolve as well to cover new situations. You are advised to review this Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.


As the Company (TADS) evolves, its privacy policy will need to evolve as well to cover new situations. You are advised to review this Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.

Breach Notification

In the event of a breach, we will notify affected users within 72 hours of first having become aware of the breach.

Right to Access

Users can request confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them is being processed, where and for what purpose. Further, we shall provide a copy of the personal data, in an electronic format.

Right to be Forgotten

Once we have compared your (the subjects’) rights to “the public interest in the availability of the data”, we may delete your personal data where you have requested this.

Data Portability

We allow you to receive the personal data concerning you, which we will provide in a ‘commonly used and machine-readable format and you have the right to transmit that data to another ‘controller’.

Privacy by Design

We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures, in an effective way and protect the rights of data subjects’. We hold and process only the data absolutely necessary for the completion of our duties (data minimisation), as well as limiting the access to personal data to those needing to act out the processing.

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